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10 Dumbest Things Sarah Palin Said On Fox News & Why She Hates Feminists

10 Worst Things Sarah Palin Said On Fox News & Why She Hates Feminists er

So, you thought you wouldn’t have Sarah Palin to kick around anymore eh?   FOX   did hold out for five Palin-free months. Five months in which she honed her world view, studied the current financial situation….And – okay, the truth is, she  just tweeted…A lot.  Palin’s back on the payroll again.  Naturally she will be a contributor to Fox News’ and Fox Business Network’s  programming.

This video gives you a glimpse of  Palin’s penetrating insight into Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren, their motives, and what makes them tick.   I am particularly  moved by Sarah Palin’s vehement and sage conclusion that it is Feminists who are holding women back. Specifically ‘they’ don’t want women to be able to work and have a family.  I sure had it all wrong, and see now what a struggle Sarah must have had to have all of those kids and carve out a cozy spot in politics without any help from the women who fought for the vote. Neither did she benefit from the women who fought for for birth control, the right to work and to receive equal pay  for it,  or the dames who insisted that women could do a good job in politics, then set out to prove it.   She may be onto something after all.