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70 percent of Americans want to change the 1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof unless near hallowed ground as defined by victims feelings. [this is probably the one that will get ratified in this woeful nanny state of ours]

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof unless it’s not Christian or Jewish.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof unless we find one religion better than another.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof unless we the people of the United States of Duh say so.

A political bombshell to be sure, here in the United States of Duh where we take so much pride in our ethnic and religious intolerance. Chest pounding ecstatic joy in it. To Hell with rational people like Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama! To Hell with that constitution we were waving in each others faces last week! Tell the world to do as we say not as we do! Instead let’s find out what Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and the Neo Cons have to say about it! 

Everyone should have kept their mouths shut, let some entity refuse the mosque and within a week it would have been struck down as "insanely unconstitutional" with even our crazyass Supreme Court having no choice but to strike it down 9 – 0.

Many years ago before the web, I cut my teeth in this new medium debating evolution. Read all the books, studied the opposition until I would begin to gag.

Day and night. I had children in Texas Schools who wanted to remove evolution from biology classes in public schools. I was involved! I learned two important things. First that people will believe what they want to believe no matter what. If they deny evolution today, they will always deny it no matter what you throw at them. And secondly, the elephant in the room, the majority of Americans do not accept evolution. As such it’s fools errand.

Not so long ago after a majority of Americans elected George W. Bush for a second time I was so embarrassed to be American I threw in the towel on this website.

I needed a rest. But by telling myself that it’s just living here in Dumbutt, Texas inside the Bible Belt that it is nothing to worry about, there are civilized people beyond my immediate and regional vicinity.

Things went rather well for a time until this Republican driven recession hit and I found two thirds of Americans want police to stop all people who look or act a certain way and ask for their papers. If they do not have them, tear 12 million of them away from their babies, children, mothers, fathers, brothers, grandmas what have and concentrate them in family prisons to be deported by bus and train. 12 million of them.

That is beyond embarrassing, that is sickening.

Two weeks ago we witnessed the Republcian party wanting to REVISIT the 14th Amendment. The DUE PROCESS, EQUAL PROTECTION one. But that is a minority view though how Republicans have always felt about both issues, "protection" means "nanny state" and "equal" means "communism."

This week we have more than two thirds of Americans wanting to change the 1st Amendment of the constitution. It is beyond embarrassing and sickening and into the realm of Morbid Christianity.