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Abortion – Legal but Unavailable, and bonus, Adorable Bucket O Sloths – John Oliver

Abortion - Legal but Unavailable, and  bonus, Adorable Bucket O Sloths  - John Oliver

John Oliver points out that while abortion is theoretically legal in this country, some states make it practically inaccessible.  The infinitesimal 19% of those who oppose abortion, are creating obstacles that make it all but impossible for women to obtain a procedure which is guaranteed under law.

*For that nineteen percent, John excuses them from watching the presentation, then they may join us again later to see the ‘almost violently adorable sloths in a bucket.’

It is timely and important to get this shocking information out, because while many states are already hobbled by TARP regulations, upcoming cases threaten to further  affect the future of services. Four states have only one clinic per state, still other have placed such regulations in place as to be ridiculous if not for their serious repercussions.  It is sounding more like the bad olde days, as inquiries about DIY home abortions  surface. Like the days of yore, women with sufficient income can afford to travel and have a procedure done. For most women it is a hardship which is just unnecessary.

*Psst!  Because women in North Carolina are forced to cover their eyes and ears while a sonogram is performed prior to an abortion, the nineteen percent must also cover their eyes when John shows the sloths – but don’t tell them!