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All we are saying, is give Trump a chance and manure

Give Trump a chance

– I am sure you have heard that racism, sexism and bigotry had nothing to do with the election of The Donald. Looking at the red and blue state maps along with the bigger red and blue America map, we find that no matter the state there is a sea of red except for those few pockets of blue in and around the large cities.

Where do blacks and Hispanics live? Where do White people live? Discard that thinking for now, as the media tells us that is not the problem, rather it is that there are no jobs in Hooterville. [BTW, there will never be jobs in Hooterville no matter who is president.]

But there is another less talked about difference between the cities and the country, the amount of manure per square foot.

When we look at the red states over the past generation of so, we find they consist almost exclusively of the Old Confederacy [along with the states bordering them,] along with the corn and cattle belt states.

We test for carcinogens and other industrial pollutants but do we test for manure in the air? Or does it come up from the ground into their feet to the brain?

If you live in the city think back to how many times you stepped in it on visits to the country. Now imagine if you lived their 24/7 how many times you would step in it. Don’t they all have boot scrappers outside their doors for that?

And though there may not be as much of it in and around the Old Confederacy, it can get into their system much faster barefoot.