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America in Crisis! What Do You Think of Government Snooping? Susie Sampson, TeaPartyReport Humor

America in Crisis!  What Do You Think of IRS Scandal, Internet and phone snooping...Anything sound familiar?  Susie Sampson, TeaPartyReport Humor The success of Susie’s brilliant parody may lie in her ability to interview people from all sides of the spectrum, and leave each one feeling as if they’ve just spoken with a kindred spirit.
Possibly the most disturbing take-away from these interviews is that most seem unaware of relatively well-covered topics.  I’m speaking of the issues that the rest of us can’t seem to escape. Asked how they feel about the ‘state of America’ it’s clear to see that Internet & phone tapping – AKA The same ol’ Patriot Act, the IRS bru-ha-ha & the AP dust-up do not enter their consciousness or mar their tranquility…Yes, that’s a bit of envy you detect.