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American Sniper, Cowards and Michael Moore

“My dad always said, ‘Snipers are cowards, they don’t believe in a fair fight, like someone coming up from behind you and coldcocking you, it just isn’t right, it’s cowardly to shoot a person in the back, only a coward will shoot someone who can’t shoot back.’ My dad was in the First Marine Division in the South Pacific in World War II. His brother, my uncle, Lawrence Moore, was an Army paratrooper and was killed by a Japanese sniper 70 years ago next month.” Michael Moore.

American Sniper hero or cowardI suppose I have to begin this with a reminder that I am a Army Veteran, an officer and a gentleman who spent most of 1968 and 1969 on the DMZ in Korea. Oh, and FTA. So with that said.

[Oh and if you were not aware the real American Sniper was shot to death handling guns by a gun enthusiast at a gun range full of guns just over a year ago. Giving rise to that old saying, live by the gun and everything is beautiful.]

Before I saw this clip from the Ed Show, I thought to myself, that’s one movie I can’t go see in a theater. I will have to wait for cable, if I can even handle it then. After all, this being Texas I know damn well that every time Bradley Cooper proudly shoots one of the 164 “ragheads” between the eyes while having a cup of coffee or talking to their wife on the phone while defending their country from invaders, the theater will erupt in applause. Some may even ejaculate in their pants.

I can no longer take the real life celebration of violence, murder, blood, war, guns and hatred. What if I got upset at one of them standing in front of me cheering on the carnage and I threw my popcorn at them? The kind of people who love sniper movies are the same ones who also have a 9mm Ruger in their pocket looking for an excuse to use it. Gun enthusiasts.

Keep in mind Bill Maher got thrown off ABC for telling the same kind of truth as Michael Moore did yesterday. When politicians were falling all over themselves on the floor of Congress screaming about the “COWARDS” who flew those planes into the Trade Center, Bill Maher said that men sacrificing their lives for their belief in God are anything but cowards. If I recall he went on to say that soldiers directing cruise missile attacks from an air conditioned building in Las Vegas is more cowardly. He got fired by ABC the following week.

Not much has changed since then, we still have those same three things that politicians and the media are not allowed to put voice to. DO NOT DISPARAGE RELIGION, JEWS or OUR TROOPS. Do so and you will pay a hefty price. You God Hating, Anti-semitic unAmerican piece of Al Sharpton loving poop. Well hold that. Everyone hates Al Sharpton.