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Amy Schumer releases Orlando sketch, guns free from lawsuits

Amy Schumer releases Orlando sketch, guns free from lawsuitsWe can sue anyone here in Gunmerica other than those who manufacture or sell guns, in fact federal agencies are not even allowed to study or gather data on guns or gun violence here in the craziest gun place on the planet, the fun outweighs 32,000 dead Americans a year, or the number of Americans we lost in Vietnam every two years, how many Americans lost in WW2 every 14 years and how many Americans killed in the Civil War every 20 years.  Number of Muslims killing Americans in the past 15 years. 94.

Even with 90% of Americans wanting a bit more gun control, Republicans and the NRA will not allow it, or even allow a vote on it. That is why we only hear Republicans use the world “democracy” when wanting to bomb someone into it.

What grabbed my attention on this video is that it was hard to find, I only happened upon this Amy Schumer video over at Mediaite, which is a fair minded political angst website with a mix of writers and readers.

If you want to see the problem with not only our gun culture but with social media go read the comments there to the above article. As far as I could tell, since it was posted last night, there have been 147 comments all of which scream about socialist libs taking our guns away and what a fat ugly pig Amy Schumer is.

Ugly is is as ugly does. It’s the hate that drives this ugly crap. And it’s growing all around the world. Mostly because of the success of Osama bin laden. Using TIME magazine’s criteria, so far bin Laden is the most important man of the 21st century. Look what he has wrought, trillions in debt, lose of personal liberty, two major wars and a forever war, millions dead,  tens of millions in refugee camps, guns galore, Trump, the breakup of the EU and soon the breakup of Great Britain. Talk about winners!