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An Evolution Win Lose for Texas Taliban Board of Education

To begin this is the picture of Republican House Representative Wayne Christian who is sponsoring Texas House Bill 4224 which will codify Intelligent Design "strengths and weaknesses" into Texas law, that if passed makes this all a moot point. And these are the faces of the leaders of the Texas Taliban

The seven members of the Texas Taliban of the 15 member Texas State Board of Education, even with the help of the Texas GOP, could not manage to keep the Discovery Institute’s Intelligent Design verbiage of "strengths and weaknesses of evolution" in the Texas public school system.

This is a win of sorts for the minority of Texans who unlike the majority have managed to intelligently evolve and no longer have tails tucked under their genitals. Texas vote leaves loopholes for teaching creationism

The win part of this is that it may be enough of a legal victory to keep the monkey tailed Texas Taliban from putting their silly religious science into not only Texas textbooks, but because of the large Texas market, written into the rest of America’s science books as well.

Texas, as you may know, is at the very bottom of most everything when it comes to the education and health of children. Praise the Lord and Mississippi! For without the Magnolia State, Texas would be the worst place in America. And the most Christian. Wow, what a profound correlation. It sure seems that something has gone very very wrong with Texas, or American Christianity. 

Sure, most Texans have refused to evolve and may not be smarter than monkeys, but they are smart enough to understand that keeping their children (and here is the real issue) AND YOUR CHILDREN unhealthy and stupid keeps kids under their thumb. For once a child finds out they are smarter than their mom and dad, there is no telling what they may do. They may even stop calling everyone "Sir", find another book to read other than the Bible, step out of the cowcrap and take the A train to New York.

Though eliminating the "weakness" clause from Texas Public School Education science courses may seem like a victory to some outside Texas, down here it matters little. Most Texas teachers are going to stuff creationism and NRA Jesus down our kids’ throats no matter what the law has to say about it. As it is what the majority of Texans want who also have home weapon arsenals greater than some New England states.

The seven members of the Taliban sector of the Texas Board of Education did manage to get a few amendments passed that the others gave in to just to get this over with. Specifically they got amendments to question Climate Change, the Big Bang, intelligent design of cell structure,  and that the age of the Earth is less than 16,000 years old.

The gist of all this – like teaching climate change is a hoax – is that Texas children  must understand that well armed stupid people – like their parents – know more than unarmed smart people. Experts who spend lifetimes doing study and research on things know far less than those who pray about such things.