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Anchor Babies, The Republican War on Babies

Round up the anchor babiesBabies are lazy, take multiple siestas a day, they poop their pants, are hardcore unemployed, they have to be fed, clothed and given shelter by others and THEY DON’T SPEAK ENGLISH!

What does ANCHOR BABY mean? It means that a child born in America is a US citizen and when they reach 21 years old they MAY APPLY to have their parents get in line for legal immigration.

If a fetus is a baby as Republicans contend – make that a fertilized egg is a baby as Republicans contend – should we not expand rounding up Hispanic babies for deportation to also include rounding up and deporting Hispanic pregnant women as well.  The new Republican War on Babies and Pregnant Women.  Oops, the Republican War on Pregnant Women has been going on for over 40 years now.