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Correction: Mark Quinn email address [email protected]

matt Quinn email

Seems I need to apologize to Mark Quinn for getting his email address wrong… I would assume the email address in this email he sent today is the correct one. As requested here is Mark Quinn’s email address  [email protected]  I Hope this calms him down some.

From: MarkQuinn [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 9:32 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Hey there!

> Though I receive craploads of this crap, I make this one public for
> two reasons. The refusal to accept a reply and the profound hypocrisy
> of it. BTW, Soetoro is what birthers believe is the President’s real name.


Oh no, the Bolshevik hack has made my e-mail public so that his three subscribers can all snicker with him about the stupid conservative’s hypocrisy (though I don’t see where any hypocrisy was actually pointed out in your message or the zero replies underneath it). I can almost imagine you and one of your comrades giggling like Beavis and Butthead:
“Teehee, he said Soetoro.”
When you post this, please get my e-mail address right next time. We don’t want your vast score of subscribers to be sending their little messages off into the void, do we?
Oh and yeah, same deal as last time. All e-mails from communists receive my special insta-trash treatment. Isn’t it fun?