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Arizona immigration law sb1070 for dummies

"What part of illegal don’t they understand?" Cry the all white crowd of bikers and rednecks.

"We’ll put tents from here to Mexico!" Main speaker Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on where to put them all saying he will lock up as many illegal immigrants as his deputies can arrest. Note to all White and Black criminals! Jubilee! The cops ain’t watching!

Most very white people in America agree, round up 10 million illegal immigrants (Mexicans) and ship them off by bus (NOT TRAINS) to family prisons (NOT CONCENTRATION CAMPS). Reminds me of something 1930ish. Both then and now a matter of SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS while changing immigration laws on the run moving toward some sort of solution.

I find it horrifying that so many Jewish pundits are in full support of this: Charles Krauthammer, George Will, Little Billy Crystal and so on, truly horrifying.

Bringing the argument down to its basics we find the New Germans of Arizona – and sadly most of the rest of White America – use two arguments to defend their more than obvious bigotry.

1) SB1070 is not racial profiling because the police can only act if they believe another crime is involved.

2) That coming here illegally is a crime and all crime must be immediately and fully enforced.

The first issue – we all know – is crap. Police not only lie compulsively and ubiquitously in matters of "probable cause", "good faith", and 4th Amendment matters on the street, but commit felony perjury under oath an estimated 500,000 times per year concerning these same matters. If you have not witnessed a cop lying to or about you, you have ever been on the receiving end of one. And good for you Mr and Mrs Goody Two Shoes! Hundreds rally in Biker anti-immigration parade in Phoenix

Case in point. Yesterday I got a seat belt ticket where 4 officers in three cars were doing a seat belt sting under an I-45 underpass (great use of manpower.)

After the police woman handed me the ticket with payment instructions I said, "Well a non moving violation shouldn’t cost much more than $10, hey?" I knew how much it cost ($150 )because I got one earlier in the day. The response was "Sir I have no idea what the fine is, you would have to look that up in the literature I handed you." With four guns within 20 feet of me, I didn’t call her a liar to her face as I should have. But if you believe four cops on a day long seat belt sting don’t know what the fine is they are issuing to literally hundreds of drivers, yer as batcrap crazy as Glenn Beck.

But it is the second issue that is even sillier. That we are a nation of laws not men! And all laws, starting with paperwork laws, must be enforced now and heavily. Of course bikers leading any parade of bigotry is nothing new, but i wonder what they had in the pocket’ses. Meth, glass pipes, sawed off shotguns, murder for hire contracts. Gosh, have to laugh like hell. Nothing to worry about America, Bikers are in charge!

So with that thought in mind, we must immediately begin raids at the University of Arizona (one of the top 10 party schools) and arrest every white kid with any pot or paraphernalia on their person, in their dorms, bedrooms and cars. Oh, bikers too! Let’s put half the white college students IN AMERICA in jail and all the Bikers. Do it today! Their Republican parents will thank you kindly. Oh I almost forgot, and round up all the men and women who have ever had oral sex in Georgia. Hey, putting about 80% of the population of Georgia in the slammer can’t be all bad.

A few things are sure, none of this is about:

Rule of Law – This is being used selectively to try and hide the bigotry that drives it.

Losing jobs – These very same white people complaining will not to the work these immigrants do, so this is also a canard used to try and hide the bigotry that drives it.

Crime – Crime rate is down 20% in Arizona. Yet another canard used to try and hide the bigotry that drives it.

Overwhelming immigration – No, it has gone negative more leaving that entering over the past 2 years. Most border traffic is people already settled here moving back and forth. So this is yet another canard used to try and hide the bigotry that drives it.

Drain on Social Services – Illegal immigrants put more into the economy, taxes, social security than they take away in services. Yet another canard they use to try and hide the bigotry that drives all this.

So if it’s none of those things then what it could it be?

"We want our nation back!" Whether directed at the border, the White House or ACORN, what do you think that means? How stupid are we suppose to be?