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Bill Cosby says Trayvon Martin case more about GUNS than RACE

Bill Cosby is right. We can remove such things from the incident such as a hoodie, racism, vigilantism and still we may find a dead black boy on the ground. But if you remove the gun from the equation there would be no Trayvon Martin case.  

There are only three uses for guns outside the home. Criminal activity mostly concerning gangs, disgruntled losers shooting groups of people, and white people PRAYING for the opportunity to shoot a Negro (or Mexican). Most any NRA argument about hunting or target practice are bogus. You know the talking point NRA answer to why we need 30 round clips for handguns? Because some DICKHEAD at a gun range is too lazy to load three clips of 11 shots. If I were King, I would decree that no gun be able to shoot more than six rounds with out reloading. Oh, and not allow single men to own a gun.