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Bill Maher, American Christian Sharia Law

“If you say like Kim Davis and all these people of that ilk, like Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, that I can ignore the rule of law for the rule of God then you are Iran, you are Saudi Arabia, you are Sharia Law,” Bill Maher tells it like it is.

Bill Maher American Christian Sharia LawHispanic conservative Linda Chavez seems to have mellowed of late what with the ever widening GOP’s War on Hispanics now going viral, though at her core she may ruffle her feathers at ethnic bigotry when it comes home but must defend Christian bigots and Christian bigotry.

Chavez like most Republicans on the gay marriage matter always fall back on states rights and Roe V Wade, failing to address the real issue of the Supreme Court in civil rights matters – that slavery, segregation, voting, public accommodation, due process and equal protection should not and cannot work state by state.

Salmon Rushdie, someone who has lived outside America, reminds us that unlike the US, the Middle East and most of the third world, Europeans are agnostic to such a degree that to get elected, their leaders have to hide their faith. While here in the land of Guns and Jesus all elected officials have to wallow in religion to even get elected dog catcher.

Guns, war and Christian intolerance, America Exceptionalism.