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Bill Maher on Daily Show, Jon Stewart

“Drugs are good and religion is bad.” Bill Maher’s campaign slogan

bill maher on Daily ShowBill Maher found great success on the legalizing drugs issue but only a modicum of success on the bad religion part.

One silly thing I have taken notice of with many of my fellows is their dislike of Maher because of his foul language, after all, his show on HBO is the only uncensored political show in the world.

But as a Bill Maher fan who has watched all REAL TIME episodes and most of the Daily Shows every night for the website here, I can safely say that the far more beloved Jon Stewart uses not only the Fbomb but the MF and CS words far more often than Bill Maher. But for some silly reason that is okay as long as VIACOM bleeps it out. I miss the logic in that. I suspect it is not language at all, but atheism that drives the angst. BTW,we learn here that atheists are the largest minority in America.

I have also noticed that of the three places that no politician or the media can go – disparage our troops, disparage religion, or disparage Jews / Israel no matter what they do or say – Maher learned his lesson on the former after being fired from ABC and knows not to do the latter. So even the only uncensored political show in the world has its limits here in America.