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Bill Maher make fools of the Trump Surrogates, Sept 30 2016

Bill Maher make fools of the Trump Surrogates, Sept 30 2016Good to see Bill Maher single out Pastor Mark Burns for the brunt of this take down of Trump surrogates, you know, Pastor Burns who is doing this to collect money for himself on the back of Jesus.  Another of those intellectual hurdles Trump supporters cannot jump over or even crawl under.

As I am sure you are aware, the surrogates work from just two simple rules, when confronted with anything negative about Their Donald, ignore it and begin the response with either “Hillary Clinton…” or “The Media…”

But something else seems to be happening of late with the media treatment of the surrogates. More and more, the media, including Fox News, seems to have had about enough of it and are shouting the shouters down more often.

There is a sense now that the entire media is sorry they gave this buffoon $3 billion in free publicity and are now ganging up on him. Not only on cable TV but not one newspaper has endorsed  him. Okay, okay you got me there, no newspaper has endorsed Donald Trump OTHER than his family owned Examiner, Murdoch’s owned Post and the paper The Donald says should win a Pulitzer, the National Enquirer.

What if this get’s even worse and in this second debate all the moderators and all the audience questions gang up on him? What if these surrogates start quitting? What if The Donald finally sees the writing on his imaginary wall and decides it is better to quit now rather than to lose officially in November?

What then?