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Bill Maher Monologue, Cuba and Period Gate, August 14 2015

bill maher monologueWhat is it about phisant Cuba – which is the size of Kentucky with the population of Ohio -that we have been giving it 60 years of face slapping because a few rich Cubans were tossed out and have been mad as Hell about it for 60 years?

Does that ring any other bell concerning any other foreign nation we have based most of our foreign policy upon for a powerful angry lobby?

But it’s The Donald that has dominated the news for yet another week. Giving free helicopter rides to Republican kids at the Iowa State Fair and going to war with Fox News and a “period angry” Megyn Kelly and winning both. Donald Trump is like Godzilla, the more they throw at him the stronger he gets.

BTW, recently fired top Trump adviser Roger Stone said yesterday that The Donald may very well go on a third party run if he feels he is treated unfairly by the GOP.  Donald Trump has the Republican Party between a rock and a hard place, which I am enjoying it immensely, not only for the pain it is causing the GOP, but because Trump as President would be better on the issues than any of the other GOP candidates. I especially like Trumps view on God… “I don’t bother him.”

Hold on there a minute. Hmmm… That’s it! Donald Trump is the only one of the 17 GOP candidates not in the pocket of Jesus. And he is winning in the GOP?  Something is amiss…