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Bill Maher Monologue, Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, March 18 2016

bill maher monologueBill Maher like the Republican establishment has picked Ted Cruz over Donald Trump, which being from the Texas home town of Ted Cruz, I have to disagree with, Donald Trump may be coarse , unpredictable and a fascist, but Ted Cruz is an evil dickhead.  Trump has some bad ideas and some good ideas, Ted Cruz has only bad ideas. Donald Trump could appoint his sister to the Supreme Court, Ted Cruz may appoint Pat Robertson or Ted Nugent. Ted Cruz would be president for four long years, Donald Trump would more than likely be impeached after a few weeks.  In fact he may set a new precedent with a pre impeachment between the election and the inauguration.

Looking into the tax plans of both Trump and Cruz, the WSJ says Cruz’ flat tax would add $8 trillion to the debt over 10 years while Trump’s plan would add $10 Trillion, both plans benefiting mostly the top 1%. Establishment Republican Marco Rubio would have only increased the debt by $6.5 trillion. Also keep mind those numbers are just the increase in the debt, they do not count the accompanying reduction in all social programs and infrastructure spending.

So to the media who keeps bleating that the Republican Base – whether Cruz or Trump – are just well meaning people in economic straights, it must be said that is either bullsht or they are really all as dumb as they look.