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Bill Maher Monologue, Donald’s Wife Daugther Ivankas jewelry, February 10 2017

bill maher monologue real timeJust each week there is just too much Trump buffoonery to report it all. Comedians and the media now have now hired new editors to process which clown acts to report on and which to put on page two. And page three.

As we noted the other day Sarah Palin is up for Ambassador to Canada, well after she learns the language hey?

Ivanka’s Nostrom’s jewelry line was given the heave-ho this week much to The Donald’s pain and threats. But hey, he is only defending his daughter so it’s okay for a President to use Twitter to try to destroy businesses that do not do his bidding. Same goes for nations. And hey, how many Trump voters are out shopping for Ivanka’s jewelry line anyway?

We are so divided that politics no longer just decides what we watch, what we buy and who we talk to but now where we shop.

Though I must say that is not entirely new. For over the past several years down here in Dumbutt there are usually at least a dozen cars in line at my Chick Fil A and no place to park at the Hobby Lobby.

BTW my local Hobby Lobby is physically attached to Mardel Education, which is the big national chain of Christian home schooling supplies and Jesus bins. So the sparse parking at Hobby Lobby may be just because they share the same lot.