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Bill Maher Monologue, February 24 2017

Bill Maher Monologue

Bill Maher monologueBill Maher’s best one liners of the night:
“Transgender? Trump believes that men should not be in the same room with women peeing unless they pay for it.”
“Bruce Jenner was an idiot, adding boobs did not make him a genius.”
“Trump sees more invisible people than the kid from The Sixth Sense.”
“From the movie Show Girls Robert Davi at CPAC said ‘if they pull it out and come all over you call a bouncer, unless they leave a big tip then it’s okay.’ The Republican philosophy in a nutshell.”
“Bannon deconstruction of the administrative state is terrorism. We can’t impeach someone whose whole idea is to wreck everything?”

What’s it called these days?  The “I” word?  Keep in mind a poll came out yesterday that said 46% of Americans want to impeach Trump while 46% of Americans did not want to impeach him. And that poll was before The Donald jumped on the bathroom bill wagon, the inforcement of federal pot laws and removing CNN, NYT and WAPO from press briefings.

He must be impeached, quickly. We need to get it over with and not let it hang so long that a military coup will be needed.