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Bill Maher Monologue, Hilterish Trump, Sept 18 2015

“I hate to bring up Hitler but when you’re stirring up xenophobic hate among an angry humiliated population and talking about rounding up minorities it’s a little Hitlerish,” Bill Maher talking about Donald Trump.

bill maher monologueI think they found the Donald Trump’s Achilles heel, forget about offending people or unable to engage in policy issues, stick to digging into his past and putting up front.

The specific moment came the other night in New Hampshire when he refused to correct a town hall Republican railing against Muslims, calling the president a Muslim, and not an American and the conspiracy that the government is allowing Muslim training camps to kill Americans.

How can the Lord of the Birther correct a fellow Republican on the truth?  But hold on a minute. Evangelical Christians love him no matter he is not one of them and can’t speak their language, so Christians rounding up 11 million Hispanics for deportation may be second to the Birther thing. Fox News is playing that the man was a plant by Democrats, you know, Republicans could never think such things. After all, only 43% of Republicans think the President is a Muslim.

We also learned in the debate that The Donald is also a vaccine conspiracy advocate.

Speaking of conspiracies, why is it that no one remembers Donald Trump from his four years at Wharton Business College? Was he really there? What if…