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Bill Maher Monologue, June 22 2018

“When has Melania ever known what’s going on behind her back?” Bill Maher on Melania’s I REALLY DON’T CARE jacket on her way to soothe the children being torn from mothers.

In a sketch not available, Bill Maher played a photoshop slide show of other big words on the back of Melania’s clothes with the kicker the last one. I VOTED FOR HILLARY.

I most enjoyed Bill Maher railing against ZERO TOLERANCE in all things which I have been doing here for over 20 years. Lately it reared it’s ugly head on the liberal side and the #METOO movement forcing Al Franken out of the Senate for joking around. Nothing worse than George H Bush has been doing since his wheel chair position has lined up well for ass grabbing. Fire him!

Monologue: President Hold My Beer | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) -video