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Bill Maher Monologue, Marco Rubio and Gyrocopter hero Doug Hughes

“Marco Rubio is for a new American century but he’s against abortion in all situations, against gay marriage, against immigration reform, against legalizing pot, against clean energy development, it sounds a lot like the old century to me.” Bill Maher on Marco Rubio sounding older than Hillary Clinton

Gyrocopter hero Doug Hughes
American gyrocopter hero Doug Hughes

Bill also gives credit to 61 year old postal worker Doug Hughes who landed his gyrocopter on the front lawn of the US Capital to deliver 535 letters to each person in congress asking them to stop taking bribes because of Citizen’s united. THAT is the story, not security, not gyrocopters, not the secret service and certainly not Republican Joe Scarborough saying he wanted the guy blown out of the air and killed. And as you know, Morning Joe Scarborough is one those moderate Republicans, which I am sure all of whom would have enjoyed seeing Doug Hughes blown to Kingdom Come.  Of course we cannot call him hero because he didn’t kill a lot of people. The more people you kill, and the further away they are, the bigger American hero one is. It is the nature of the Beast. And I might add, the furthest one can get from Jesus Christ.