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Bill Maher Monologue, Rush Limbaugh college girls are sluts! March 2 2012

Rush Limbaugh picking out a private citizen, in this case a single college girl, to call a slut is child’s play compared to what got him where he is today.

Rush Limbaugh became the famous radio icon he is today for the notoriety he gained in Sacramento reading lists of names of men who had died from AIDS and pushing his applause and laugh track buttons. As he giggled.  So why is there any surprise now. He was doing worse 25 years ago… He used only represent the ugly RIGHT-WING of the GOP, now he is the GOP.  Some wonder what is his attraction, why do 20 million people listen to him?  Easy answer. He makes the tens of millions of intolerant bigoted a wholes feel good about themselves. Simple as that. A celebration of all that it means to be ugly inside and out. It’s like a Hostess Snowball filled with dogcrap.