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Bill Maher Monologue, why the caged bird sings, September 23 2016

bill maher monologue“The Blacks are in the worst shape they have ever ever ever been,” says the Orange Buffoon, and who better knows why the caged bird signs better than Donald Trump from his actual gold plated home on the top floor of Trump Towers?  The Caged Bird Sings! What is so cool about Bill Maher bringing that up is that it’s a kick in the nuts to Trump Supporters who have no idea what who said it, why or what it means.

It’s much like how I we few white liberals in Texas who have been dealing with these nitwits all our lives socially, and when politics or religion come up, we learned early to just point up in the air [or out the window] and ask, “Is that the blimp?” Which brings to mind Bill Maher’s interview with Maureen Dowd that we can’t see, in which she tells a similar story. While East and West coast pundits write to Trump supporters for interviews, or fly all over America to meet them in lines at rallies, all Maureen Dowd has to do is go home.

Can’t spend too much time on this one as Youtube and Time Warner will soon have it taken down, the account forever suspended with no recourse. But it has a chance of staying up for a few hours.