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Bill Maher, New controversial movie posters of 2015

“It’s like Kim Kardashian without the ass.” What I have to say about those who refuse to use the words RELIGION, ISLAM or MUSLIM to define all the terrorist and state sponsored violence upon the world by these religious Muslims.

Bill Maher controversial movie posters of 2015On his first night back, in respect to Charlie Hebdo, Bill Maher pulled no punches. As you can see with this poster for Bill Cosby’s new movie While You Were Sleeping.  Some other treats including Black Chick Down and The Assman Cometh.

The panel for the night included Salman Rushdie, Carly Fiorina and Paul Begala. Two things stood out in the arguments. Remember that Salman Rushdie had to hide in Christopher Hitchens London apartment for years because the RELIGIOUS leader of Iran called a RELIGIOUS Fatwa for his assassination.

The argument that threaded through the evening was that when confronted with all of President Obama’s economic successes, Conservative Carly Fiorina went on and on about how horror in our disparity of wealth had increased under his watch. Yes you heard right, from the Republican Party who does everything possible to not only pass legislation to increase that disparity of wealth, but brags about doing so. It’s what the do, it’s who they are. You know trickle down economics, supply side, reduce taxes on the wealthy and remove benefits from the poor is their bottom line. It’s what Jesus would do when not at a gun show.

The second issue in contention was also from Republican Carly Fiorina denying the Charlie Hebdo attack had anything to do with RELIGION. Which to her credit is what both the majority of conservatives and liberals say. Sure I understand the political correctness involved by refusing to tell the truth in this matter. After all even here in America we cannot disparage RELIGION in any manner without losing votes, share or friends. In fact 12 people were just murdered for doing so in France because of the RELIGIOUS intolerance of Muslims. Whether the beheadings, amputations, killings, stonings, whippings and dire misogyny are state sponsored or terrorist sponsored, it’s ALL based upon religious intolerance.