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Bill Maher New Rule, Liberal Correctness, March 27 2015

Bill Maher with gay marriage hater antonin scaliaThe minor point here is well taken, if we want to wring our hands and point our fingers at bigoted asswipes let’s go after the really disgusting ones who we disagree with from top to bottom, not those we agree with on most everything but one thing.

But with the major issue I go even a step further than Bill Maher in this matter of Political Correctness, for I believe that liberals wagging their self righteous fingers in the face of working class Americans has been the most important force driving them to the Republican Party. Making them so angry that they will vote against their own self interest to grab that finger hoping to bend it back so far it breaks.

Sure liberals are probably right concerning whatever PC issue it may be, but people do not like being scolded, especially by uppity well educated unarmed Yankees or even more especially uppity well educated African Americans.  Do you really think it is just issues that the three most hated people by Republicans are Obama, Holder and Sharpton? Or could it be something else.

We argue a lot about what it is that makes Republicans what they are, is it guns, Jesus, racism, taxes, war, abortion and so on? In my experience of 30 years in this medium in debate areas, sigs, forums, comment areas and so on, I find that more than anything it is their seething hatred of liberals that takes top honors. YER NOT THE BOSS OF ME!