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Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, Stupid Christians & Regressive Liberals

Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, Stupid Christians & Regressive LiberalsEven HBO removed the “religion is stupid” conversation from this video for in America thou shalt not disparage religion, Israel or our troops without paying a hefty price.

This political correctness issue has been driving me nuts since Rush Limbaugh fell upon back in 1988 to help make it the Republican party’s most successful political tool in American history. Well since Jerry Falwell and Ronald Reagan politicized God some years earlier. A bit of meat to that is just Googling various forms of political correctness most links to go to Brietbart, WND, NYPOST, Washington Times, Fox News, the Blaze, Townhall and so on.

The problem with Maher, Dawkins, Seinfeld and others in this is that playing into the PC game only benefits Republicans in moving ever more independents and Democrats to their side. I shutter as much about these guys helping the GOP as I do liberals shoving out their PC crap to the joy of the GOP.

In this case, most all of this LIBERAL censorship of speakers on campus is from women – who are mostly Muslim women because we see the bags over their heads – defending their sick misogynist violent culture, to which Richard Dawkins rightly replies:


What Maher and Dawkins are right about is that if we add up all that is intolerant, bigoted, homophobic, misogynist, violent and stupid in Christianity and multiply it by 10, it still falls short of the mark concerning Islam.  Oh oh oh, not all of them though!  But enough of them to literally fk up the entire world. Over invisible flying creatures in the sky no less.