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Bizarre Rand Paul Super PAC WWE Obama Smack-down Video

Bizarre "Rand Man" Rand Paul SuperPac Ad Shows WWE Obama/NSA Smackdown, Explosions, Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

This is not an ONION piece, a bizarre pro-Rand Paul SuperPAC commercial shows a roaring, buffed-up and  bare-chested Rand Paul  fixin’ to smack-down President Obama (WWE style)  and –  explosions! Fire-breathing bald eagles! Explosions! Big waving American flags! And always, more explosions!  Apparently, these are images that appeal to the average Republican voter – or not.

I initially thought this video was a parody…A very strange and cringeworthy parody. Now, I only wish it were. Rand Paul’s “America’s Liberty PAC” created the commercial in which ‘The Rand Man’ stomps the NSA and President Obama. Any ‘Murican would step into the ring, and do the same…If they had Rand Paul’s cajones – rather, his fans.  I mean really, the President  personally reads all of your email  before he passes it along to the NSA and Lindsey Graham

The violent imagery  hints at the average age and interests of the PAC. The testosterone-driven male group likely hovers around voting age. They love images of a blazing, bombed-out White House – well, anything blazing, WWE and  dolls!!!  I mean, action figures, (just a guess).

I see trouble ahead.  The PAC is always the last to know. They have apparently built an image of Rand Paul which stems from his Libertarian outsider days. When they weren’t looking,  “Defender of Freedom” Rand Paul distanced himself from his rowdy Libertarian ways and affiliations. He now clings to the bosom of the stolid and $taid Republican Party…Shouldn’t someone tell the keyboard warriors?

I sure hope Rand Paul can live up to their very high expectations. Folks might start watching CSPAN again…On SUNDAYS! SUNDAYS! SUNDAYS!