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The Black People Song, by Z-FLO

black people on welfareI like this one! It’s light, upbeat and gives a little heft to both sides which hopefully give some thought to meeting in the middle somewhere.

I was listening to NPR yesterday – NPR having no conservative bias as does Fox News or talk radio means it has a European socialist bias –  doing an interview with a couple white optometrists having lunch in Ferguson, Mo.

Their anger at the black protesters and all the bad press they laid at the feet of one man. Can you guess his name? You know your choices. In this case it is not Obama or Holder, but their most constant, historic and present boogieman Al Sharpton who caused all their troubles. Though being shot down unarmed in the street by a white cop is not one of these optometrists troubles. They gave out the standard refrain that Al Sharpton should be doing something about all the Black on Black murders rather than just dwelling on the White on Black killing? I have a little to say about that crap.

Do give them credit at least for being smart enough to stay away from ALL the Black on White murders.

Al Sharpton has gone to Chicago to organize and deal with that very problem numerous times. He speaks out on it with his MSNBC TV show often. He has even rented an apartment there he visits so often to deal with it more often.

Al Sharpton also speaks out for gun controls. And if you don’t know what white people are buying all the guns for, you are living in La La Land.

The black murder rate has dropped from 9000 a year to 4500 year in the past 20 years, down by half.

And most importantly, this is not about gangs or crime, this is about white police officers shooting an unarmed black man. Just one example of many. Like anything for any race or issue, it’s a rallying cry for a larger more endemic problem. White police officers shoot and kill 2 African Americans a week.

Ferguson is a flash point no matter how muddied the case may be. It is the black community responding to how unfairly and racist they are treated by the police and by our justice system, not to mention education and ecomomics.

Blaming the black messenger and the African American culture is how white people escape the responsibility of our past overt racism and our present covert racism which creates the hopeless urban poverty that drives the crime and violence. That and of course doing anything at all about only raises the volume of the screeching about of EUROPEAN SOCIALISM! Most of the people screaming about it are on Social Security and Medicare.