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Chelsea Handler to replace Mika Brzezinski on Mornin’ Joe – Video

Chelsea Handler to replace Mika Brzezinski on Mornin' Joe - Video

. Have you heard? Chelsea Handler is replacing Mika Brzenzinski on MSNBC Morning Joe! Fake news! What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Here we have Chelsea Handler taking it to the 53% of white women who got both their heads and their wussy’s grabbed by the Donald.

She also had a positive message that his election means it’s time for Democrats and Liberals to roll up their sleeves and get to work rather than the past 8 years of complacency with a cool, calm, collected, kind and smart family man in president Barack Obama. He is everything The Donald is not. We finally got some change!

To find out what the other side is doing over the past 7 years I have limited my intake to just a few hours each morning with Joe Scarborough and Mika while I do this. No more of them after 119 for me. Ever.

I suffered through liberal spokeswomen Mika Brzenzinski because I just don’t give a rat’s ass about celebrities or what they cook, so for me it was the only morning show in town. Back to Morning Edition. I can say that to my Trumpster pals because they have no idea what that is. In fact I told them it was NPR, they had no idea what that was either.

Forget that Mika and The Donald are great pals, forget that she has been talking with him and visiting him throughout the entire campaign. Forget that she and Joe are screwing like wabbits. Forget her condescending political correctness, what finally got me to go over the top was that she is a weaker foil to Scarborough than Allen Combs was for Sean Hannity.

With that said, a few days ago I was thinking perhaps Rosie O’Donnell would be a good foil for Florida Panhandle conservative Joe Scarborough, but Rosie recently got in serious trouble going after little Barron Trump so she’s out. Her political incorrectness could cost her new job.

Chelsea Handler would be perfect though, and probably easier for Joe to get in the sack than Mika was.