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Chris Matthews, Ann Coulter, William Shatner and Canada, FOD

chirs matthews with Ann CoulterGreat spoof on fast talking Chris Matthews and the utterly evil Ann Coulter. We also learn an important lesson from William Shatner that Scotty is a dead fictional character.

We need a fence across our Northern Border.  What we don’t need is any more Canadian restaurants. Canadian bacon?  It’s not bacon at all, it’s round ham.

Since I moved down here to Dumbutt 35 years ago I have forgotten what Gortex is. The only good thing that comes from Canada are comedians. You have to be funny to suffer through 10 month Winters. And besides Canadians are commies with health care and no guns.

Oh, one last thing. in my backpacking days outside the country, I learned it was wise to buy a package of red maple leaf decals and sew-ons to apply to my stuff to better get along beyond our borders.