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Christina Aguileras Ntl Anthem blunder. The Best and Worst from years past.

Christina Aguilera is catching a great deal of unwanted attention today for flubbing a lyric to the national anthem. While the singer definitely gave it her all, Aguilera left out the words "O’er the ramparts we watched” and instead inserted “What so proudly we watched" in their place. We have seen much worse!

Even Roseanne wants to forget her attempt at the Anthem, and need I say more than Michael Bolton? It’s not all bad, some unforgettable renditions are included in this video, such as Jimi Hendrix’s iconic Woodstock version and many other artists who have put their unique stamp on the song.

While there are some glittering bright spots in this video, the compilation does put Christine Aguilera’s efforts in perspective. Many others have remembered all of the words, but perhaps should have declined the honor.