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Chuck Hagel joins GOP to reduce our Debt

chuck hagel reduces military

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel says he wants to reduce military personal (the biggest cost) to pre 911 levels. Some say adjusted for population, that would be a reduction to our headcount at World War II levels.

Chuck Hagel is now on board with the the GOP and the Tea Party that reducing the deficit is the be all and end all of American politics and policy. I am sure the accolades will be pouring in soon from all Republicans everywhere.  Especially from fellow Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham who I expect to be hoisting Chuck on a chair and dancing him around the ballroom to Hava Nagila.

Federal, State and Local budget 2014

Pensions 921.2
Health Care 973.6
Defense 830.9
Welfare 400.9
Interest 222.9
Education 141.8
Transportation 103.8
Other Spending 93.2
Protection 58.7
Gen Government 30.7

So it’s the first three we need to cut by half each.

Cut pensions for NEW and present pension workers by half.

Forget this silly crap about having to fight and win two major wars at the same time. ONE WILL DO. And we do not need bases in 39 countries.

Make health care non profit like the rest of the world. After all, it is immoral for corporate death panels to decide who lives and who dies by a board of directors whose sole purpose is next quarters’ profit margins. Highly immoral. In fact it is about as immoral as a thing can be. But a well armed Jesus will have none of that crap, let me tell you.