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Colbert: Tea Party trying to repeal 17th Amendment

These three Senators and soon to be Senators are Tea party wonks. They are also not the sharpest knives in the Senate.  The repeal of the 17th Amendment fits right into the present day GOP suppressing the vote of  Blacks, Hispanics and poor.

Name your state Senator or Representative.   They often get elected with 10% 20% of the vote, most of which come from extended family members. Beavis and Butthead could win seats in most any state legislature, and there many present in those seats now who make Beavis and Butthead look like quantum physicists. That means LITTLE for any Republicans reading this.

This was a well known issue even back to 1828.  But it did not become an Amendment until 1913.

At first glance I suppose it really would make no difference here in Texas. Republicans here have a super majority in the State Legislature dominated by the Tea Party, and we just elected a Tea Party nutjob to the Senate and our other Senator is just a regular old Right-wing nutcake.  But without the 17th Amendment we could very well be represented by United States Senator from Texas, Ted Nugent.

tea party repeal 17th Amendment