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College Grads Think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court !

College Grads Think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court !

In a survey of college grads, nearly ten percent of them believe Judge Judy is a Supreme Court justice. Granted Judge Judith Scheindlin  is amazing, she spots fibs more accurately than a lie detector and she has won the trust of Americans. One admirer gives her high praise saying; “She’s a gangster.” I have no doubt that  we’d be better off if Sheindlin was on the Supreme Court, but we’d miss her dishing out practical advice and settling roommate squabbles.

The study that caught out college grads is called “A Crisis in Civics Education.”  Perhaps they will canvass presidential hopefuls and sitting representatives next? Recently, Donald Trump expressed confusion as to how a bill is passed, saying he would bring the House and Senate together – physically, the better to pass laws.