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Collusion Proven, Trump’s Case is Closed – The Resistance, Keith Olbermann

Collusion Proven, Trump's Case is Closed - The Resistance, Keith Olbermann

Collusion Proven, Trump's Case is Closed - The Resistance, Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann wraps the Trump debacle up with a festive bow and presents a case that proves without a doubt that the Trump campaign, and Trump administration are guilty of collusion with the Russians- at minimum, and that the case is closed. Turn the Trump team over, they’re very nearly cooked…Just a bit of grilling under oath, and the entire Trump family platter should be ready to serve up.

There are titanic facts which line up to show that – we have been right all along!
Of the long list of lies and obfuscations, perhaps one of the most treasonous occurred when the campaign team met with Russian leaders –  to learn how Trump presidential policy could change American policy to advance Moscow. Apparently unconcerned, Trump had brazenly invited hackers to invade his opponent’s email, knowing that they were already poking around the DNC computer system.

Donald Trump whines that the GOP isn’t doing enough to ‘protect him’ – from whom, or what? The United States requires protection from him in the form of an impeachment and an arrest, but Trump hangs onto the belief that he has the power to fire Mueller. Trump’s other ace in the hole is to pardon himself and anyone remaining – but neither solution is viable. See why…You’ll immediately know when someone successfully explains it to Trump!

Forgive me, I never get tired of saying it – WE WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG!