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CPAC, Andrew Brietbart has Obama College videos!

This is the face of today’s racist. Most everything this guy – and his cameraman James O’Keefe – do is about trying to destroy Blacks in one way or another. After succeeding in the destruction of ACORN with false and edited videos, they went after the NAACP. Though that failed, they did manage to destroy a black woman named Shirley Sherrod for a few days. Well until the truth came out.  O’Keefe is now under investigation again (while on probation) for voter fraud while taping his use of false ID to register to vote. That of course was in defense of the GOP’s work in all Republican held states to suppress the Black and Hispanic vote through whatever means possible.

The keywords that today’s racists use are:

And here is the entire CPAC speech given by this lying sack of crap.

Where is the video of Brietbart chuggin’ Jack Daniels from the bottle with his face hair all covered in snow?