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Daily Show Aasif Mandvi, Supreme Court gives Sharia Law an OKAY

In a unanimous decision by the 6 Catholics and 3 Jews on the Supreme Court, they declared that churches in America can ignore the Americans with Disabilities Act and fire whom they please. A few months earlier the court declared that churches could fire anyone they pleased for most any reason and the employee has no grounds to sue.

This all going on while the GOP candidates (especially the holier than thou Newt Gingrich), Bill O’Reilly and Fox News  scream about the raging War on Religion in America. Where 84% of us believe angels have our back. Where the most hated group by far are atheists, topping even Muslims and Europeans!  In fact anyone would be hard pressed to name more than five declared American atheists. Let’s see, that’s about 320,000,000 to 5. War on religion my ass…  

But this lie is the main reason millions of American morons vote Republican and against their own economic self interest. Well that and having "pickaninnies" in the White House. You know, the people the GOP wants to take the country back from.