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Daily Show Glenn Beck nonsense, Samantha Bee From the CPAC Future and Gunfloss

Though the Glenn Beck clips are classic examples of the nonsense this nitwit pushes out all day on his radio and TV shows, the interview with Samantha Bee from the CPAC future is the funniest thing I ever did see. Gunfloss… 

All independent voters should be rounded up, hog tied, have their eyelids stapled open like Alex and forced to watch this 3 minute video. One viewing would be enough for these 40% of the voters to end of all this crazy right-wing crap once and for all.

I forced myself to do two full hours of Glenn Beck on the radio yesterday. He has an on the air foil who agrees with everything he says. So it doesn’t really matter that much that I can’t tell the voices apart.

Without his blackboard and charts he spends most of his time "teaching" by slogan. Unlike John Fund who is an expert at conservative sloganeering, Glenn just can’t seem to come up with anything memorable yet alone anything that makes sense – as you can see from this video.

His big issue yesterday he said was very profound; that progressiveness is dissoluble. Write that down! And then come the callers who one after another tell us how intelligent Glenn is, what a genius, great teacher and a great educator he is, and how their family of Liberal Democrats have all joined the Tea party movement because they are regular listeners of his radio and television shows!

He goes on endlessly about the progressive destruction of the Constitution. The point he makes, which is also the same as the Tea Party point, progressives are Marxists because they believe the constitution is a living breathing document. IT MOST CERTIANLY IS NOTHING OF THE SORT!  It is a 1789 document intended to stay that way, and can only be changed through the Amendment process. After all slavery is wrong. And what Madison and Jefferson said about television and the Internet hold true today!

The nonsense here is that the entire point of Beck and the Tea Baggers is the unconstitutionality of TAXATION, which was the 16th Amendment!  AN AMENDMENT YOU NITWITS!  gosh…

One things sure, the likes of Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity will never partake in a free open debate with any progressive or Liberal over the age of 12. Okay, over the age of 8.

Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity did all graduate from High school though! You betcha!

All three also went on to college and dropped out in the first semester to seek self education. Of course dropping out so quickly would have nothing to do with them looking around at the reat of the students to realize they were in way way way over their heads.