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Daily Show Jessica Williams angry at Jews who do not take Purim seriously

jessica williams does purimGosh, I have a family and house full of Jews and I never heard of Purim. Can I say Jews? Am I in trouble now? How about the Likud? Can I say the Likud is to the right of the GOP and I don't like it?  Can I say our foreign policy is way way too deep into Israeli policy. How about Neo Cons? Can I say I don't like them? Can I say that Neo Conservatism is a Jewish thing? Can I dress up as a Jew on Purim? Is this guy dressed up as a Jew because it's Purim. How about me saying the The Weekly Standard which is owned and operated by William Kristol, who is the son of Irving Kristal who invented Neo Conservatism, is the voice of Jewish Neo Conservatism in America? Why can't I dislike Right-wing Jews?  John Bolton is a fascist moron.

And you know the real problem over there? Every time Netanyahu builds a new house in a settlement it is a direct slap in the face and a kick in the balls to every Muslim on Earth. Can I say that? It is the main factor driving terrorism. There. Now I am in real trouble…
