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Daily Show John Oliver, CNN Rock Block silliness

cnn rock blockAnd here I thought this CNN  Rock Block would be about what Ted Nugent, Dave Mustaine and Johnny Ramone have to say.  You know the intellectual wing of Rock and Roll.

But sadly no, this is just a silly gimmick to get ratings. I haven’t watched any of these kind of morning shows for as long as I can remember. Too much time on celebrities and TV shows which I have no interest in.

As an early riser I have been stuck on Morning Joe for many years now.  A rather quiet liberal woman up against a loud obnoxious conservative Republican with a gaggle of hanger on’s many of whom are hard to politically classify. The show manages to get some laughs, some entertainment and some shouting while doing serious news in a fair and balanced manner.

Compare Morning Joe at MSNBC  with Fox and Friends over at Fox News and you get the real difference between the two networks.