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Daily Show Kristen Schall Planned Parenthood and Abortion Funding

The Person Poem

I never did meet, on any old street,
Sitting, laying or up on their feet.
Not in a bar, not in a car,
Not up close, not from afar.
No baby or kid, no daughter or son,
No grandpa or grandma, no daddy or mom.
Wherever I’ve been it’s always the same
I’ve met not a person who had not a name. 

A "person" has rights that trump that of a "potential person."

Protestant Americans were mostly for Roe v. Wade in the early 1970’s. It was not until the television evangelists realized it was a political money maker that they jumped in with the Vatican.

If a Pro Lifer gives you any of their crap about smaller. less intrusive government, freedom or liberty, tuck your index finger under your thumb and snap them in the nose until they run back under their rocks of ages.

There is a special level in Hell – about a hundred miles below the standard "hypocrisy level" – for women who have enjoyed a legal abortion in their past, after which they married and had a fine family (which the unwanted child would have nixed), and now wish to deny that same freedom to all other women.  SNAP SNAP