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Daily Show: minimum wage with sam bee

minimum wage with Sam BeeWhy is Sam Bee drinking from that McDonald’s cup?

The minimum wage is just a small part of the problem with Republicans. The big wheel in their GOP sly keeps turning to pay off the debt, pay off the deficit, deny health care, and reduce taxes all on the backs of those who are already hurting the most. Adding insult to injury, the same process sends millions over the edge into dire straights.

You can see the problem in this interview, it’s that Libertarian ideology trumping economic reality. Add to that the Tea Party lie of evolution and hoax of global warming and what do you have? The GOP is what you have.

Do we really want Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, or Rick Santorum in any position of power, let alone the Presidency? Sure we need to hear all the silly rancor they spread, after all it helps the rest of us see how right we are. But come on, they belong on Fox News, talk radio and over at the Drudge Report, not making actual decisions for the rest of us.

And it is both parties who are guilty of not coming to come to terms with the reality that technology causes there to be less and less jobs to go around. Like the rest of the civilized world we have to come to terms with that.