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Daily Show, Neil deGrasse Tyson: Buzzkill of Science

Neil deGrasse TysonNeil deGrasse Tyson uses science to take the fun out of just about everything.  What about Big Foot?  We have proof in night green of a “Squatch” screaming in the woods.  We have rooms full of people all raising their hands when asked if they have seen a Big Foot. Well at a Bigfoot rally anyway. What about ancient astronauts? We have a very credible young man whose hair stands on end explaining the truth of all that! So what he has 10,000 volts running through him. Who can credibly deny the existence of Ghosts? And most importantly, how many shows and movies are about the existence of zombies? We love zombies! And some smarty pants comes by and ruins it for us? Shame on you Neil deGrasse Tyson

Next thing you know Neil deGrasse Tyson will be telling us Global Warming is real and evolution really happened!

Some people make fun of those who tune this crap in and believe it. I don’t. Because not only is it fun and interesting and a better use of time than playing with guns, but it’s no different than talking snakes, walking on water, living inside of fish, reanimating the dead, holy ghosts and so on. So whose to say? Those lost in the woods or lost in the dogma?