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Daily Show Sam Bee, healthcare.com kicks you in the dick

sam bee obamacareAnd after Obamacare kicks you in the dick, death panels kill your children which are then roasted and eaten by socialist moochers.

Word is out that the Website will not be fixed by December 1st.  And Fox News now tells us Bill Clinton hates Obamacare because he suggests we give all those who have those absurd existing plans keep them. Which may be a good idea.. After all, those people are mostly morons who we don’t want in the gene pool anyway, and the smarter ones will see that after things get going, they will be more than happy to sign up.

Even I am angry at the President for letting something so simple as a website screw this  up. They should have called me, for with 60 billion dollars even I could have done better, drunk and high and asleep.