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Daily Show Sam Bee’s Vagina interviews Republicans on Convention floor

Gosh, a talking vagina is smarter than a Republican delegate in Tampa! Well done Sam!

Everyone one of these boobs fell into her trap without pausing TO THINK. Individuals not the government must choose! Individual liberty instead of government control! Individual responsibility! Government is too intrusive!  Personal Liberty to do what we want without government interference! And as these people spit all that out over and over again, they are astonished that anyone could put those words to Republican platform on abortions .

What’s with that. Don’t they ever talk to anyone outside their box?  Never watch anything but Fox News? Never listen to anyone other than Rush Limbaugh?  I admit to watching a lot of MSNBC, but 90% of it is Morning Joe which actually is fair and balanced.  I listen to Rush once a week, I watch Fox News Sunday every week. I read all my nasty email from the NRA LIBERTARIANS each morning. These people never escape the box.

Why is this, why are the rank and file so slow witted?  I think the answer came last night at the end of the Paul Ryan speech – what a liar – when he said “Our rights come from God the Creator!” And the place erupted into the longest standing ovation so far.  Rights do not come from the BILL OF RIGHTS, they come from up in the sky somewhere.  Oops. Not somewhere, they come from Planet Kolob.  It’s the political problem of our time. Perhaps any time. You can’t deny anyone their religion, but you can change a religion from that of mean nasty selfish hate filled violent crap, to something kind and nice and inclusive.

sam bee talking vagina