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Daily Show: Stewart, Cenac and Oliver become insidious brainwashing muppets

daily show muppets“Sesame Street is an insidious form of brainwashing and propaganda from the Lofty Left.” Says the fair and balanced Fox News.  I keep reading that the debate shows Mitt Romney has moved to the Center. The new American Center, in which we fire Jim Lehrer, Big Bird, Sesame Street, Frontline, Nova, Masterpiece Theater, and the rest of all that un-American socialist swill.  And from the geographical center of America does come the center of our politics. Though that CENTER is gerrymandered. It extends up to our border with Canada and a large swath of states following Sherman’s march to Savannah.

The area where the Koch Brothers embody all that is good and fine, and Muppets all that is bad and evil. The question keeps coming unto me, how did so many people come to be so F**KED UP?  I keep coming back to Talk Radio, Fox News and Jesus. Remember as Jesus said so well, “The rich shall poke needles in the eyes of the poor as they ride camels into Heaven.”

Mitt Romney began a WAR ON SESAME STREET.  Who told him that was a WINNER?  Seems to have come directly from the planet Kolob.