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How to deal with Republican Idiots in your family, Dr Matt

How to deal with Republican Idiots, Dr Matt

In this case, Dr Matt explains how to deal with Grandpa’s homophobia. Though the same applies to most every form of Republican intolerance, ignorance and bigotry. You have to understand that you are not going to change Grandpa.

The only thing that will change Grandpa or any of these kind of people is the Grim Reaper, bless his heart.

So there are two options in dealing with these people on a personal level, ignore the idiots or have fun getting your licks in. I choose to go with the later for it’s entertainment and satisfaction values.

This basic premise came to me about 20 years ago when I began this endeavor. Mostly in response to the unanswered Rush Limbaugh Program that changed AM radio into Right-wing radio. I soon realized that there was big money in making a wholes feel good about themselves, especially from the biggest a whole in America. Remember that before 1988 we had “The Fairness Doctrine” which required our public airways to give equal time to both sides of political arguments. So it can be said that before 1988 we lived in a nation devoid of free speech, liberty and freedom.

There is one other way to deal with this… VOTE. If everyone voted the GOP would become just an opposition party for the foreseeable future, and nobody knows that better than Republicans who are doing all the can to suppress the vote.