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Deck the halls with guns and folly

Republicans will make it better if everyone has a gun

Deck the halls with guns and follyThis little ditty hits home on one of the most ridiculous gun enthusiast arguments, that if teachers, students, waitresses, customers had guns it would put an end to our gun carnage. The law of large numbers make that of course untenable. The chances of some teacher, student etc having a gun at the time and place of a shooting is about nil unless almost EVERYONE has a gun on them. Which is what the  NRA gun industry lobby wants.

The only winning ticket Republicans have is fear whether it be fear of Mexicans, Muslims, African Americans, immigrants or terrorists when it’s other gun enthusiasts who shoot 100 people a day. A DAY. Muslims have shot 46 people here in 14 years. Gosh…

Every bad guy gun with a gun was once a good guy with a gun.

Correction. Republicans have two winning issues. Fear and having to pay taxes to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT who has a sordid history of trying it’s best to treat everyone in America equally, or as it is sometimes called “equal protection” and “due process.”

That mostly comes from the 14th Amendment, which along with the “separation clause” of the 1st Amendment are the ones Republicans are most vocal about wanting to change.  While 100 Americans are shot by other Americans everyday because of the 4th Amendment which is the only one they actually know about and removing their heads the “well regulated militia” clause it.