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Democratic Convention, Bill Clinton tells the Hillary Clinton Story & hot pics of Hillary

hot pics of hillary clintonWhere are the embarrassing hot pics of Hillary Clinton when she was younger, I found one some years ago that got lots of attention at the time, so with apologies to our presumptive President Hillary Clinton, here it is below!

Pundits say Bill Clinton speech was too long, that he didn’t follow the printed script they read along with, and that the love sorry was long and maudlin.  A better love story than most of us have to tell.

“I asked her to take a walk with me, we’ve been walking and talking and laughing together ever since.”

What came out of the speech to me last night was that his wife Hillary does more in one Summer break than most of the rest of us do in a lifetime, which is always about lending a hand rather than giving the finger – which comparing the two conventions so far – is what the Republican character is most about.

But none of that matters for Hillary is untrustworthy, almost as untrustworthy as a man.